Social Anxiety & Substance Use 

Day in and day out we are exposed to stressors and outside stimuli. Sometimes we are able to move through our day and feel little to no impact, while other times these stimuli and stressors cause us extreme discomfort.  We all have…

Unveiling the Timeline: How Long Do Couples Typically Spend in Therapy?

Therapy plays a vital role in the lives of couples, offering a safe and supportive environment to navigate the complexities of their relationship. It allows couples to deepen their understanding of each other, resolve conflicts, and develop healthier communication patterns. By investing…

Supporting Fathers: Navigating Postpartum Depression Together

Postpartum Depression (PPD) is a mental health condition that is most commonly talked about in association with new mothers, but it is important to recognize that fathers can also experience this condition. The period following the birth or adoption of a child…

The Art of Saying Goodbye: Navigating Life Transitions

What first comes to mind when you think of the summer season? Possibly thoughts of beaches, lightning bugs, or inescapable humidity. What may not come immediately to mind is the fact that summer is a time of significant life transitions, but this…

Binge Eating Disorder – What is it anyway?

Think just for a moment about eating disorder portrayal in the media. What do you see? If I had to guess…it’s likely a white woman living in a thin body struggling with anorexia nervosa. It’s also likely that your high school health…

Why are we stuck? 

Think about your last couple of arguments with your partner. Do you notice a pattern? It can be easy to get lost in the content of the arguments such as parenting differences, financial woes, and uncompromised sex, but underlying each interaction is…

Today I Marry My Friend

Those sweet words graced the cover of my longtime friend’s wedding program. Yes, she was marrying her friend, her love, the first person she thought of to share good news or heartbreak. But, on this exciting and hope-filled day, the question was,…

Five Realistic Expectations for Couples Therapy

Couples therapy can be a great and significant step in restructuring your relationship or improving your connection, but if you are like many people, you may be experiencing nervousness, intimidation, or feeling generally overwhelmed. Knowing what to realistically expect can help to…

Grief/Loss Around the Holidays

The holiday season is often marketed as a time filled with joy and spent with friends and family. For individuals who have experienced loss, however, the holidays can be a really difficult time and may bring a mixture of emotions that can…

Financial Abuse

Abuse can take many shapes and forms, and one of the lesser known forms of abuse is financial abuse. Financial abuse occurs in almost all domestic violence cases and can be used to create barriers for individuals in romantic relationships, familial relationships,…

Today's the day to make a change.