Effects of Emotionally Abusive Relationships

When you think of abuse in relationships, what comes to mind? For many of us, the first thoughts that show up depict loud, violent, and aggressive words or actions.  Emotional abuse is often a quieter form of abuse that involves tactics such…

Catastrophic Thinking

”What’s the worst that can happen?” This is a question we probably all have heard at some point in our lives, and may have given a lot of thought to, or maybe not much at all. While evaluating the consequences of events…

Social Anxiety & Substance Use 

Day in and day out we are exposed to stressors and outside stimuli. Sometimes we are able to move through our day and feel little to no impact, while other times these stimuli and stressors cause us extreme discomfort.  We all have…

Grief/Loss Around the Holidays

The holiday season is often marketed as a time filled with joy and spent with friends and family. For individuals who have experienced loss, however, the holidays can be a really difficult time and may bring a mixture of emotions that can…

Financial Abuse

Abuse can take many shapes and forms, and one of the lesser known forms of abuse is financial abuse. Financial abuse occurs in almost all domestic violence cases and can be used to create barriers for individuals in romantic relationships, familial relationships,…

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