Why to Stop Struggling With Anxiety

Most of the folks that I see who suffer from anxiety say something along the lines of, “I’d like to feel less anxious,” or “I’d like to get rid of my anxiety.” Let me start off by saying, I get it! Simply…

How to do therapy. A therapist’s take on a client’s role in therapy

So, I’d like to start off by prefacing that what I’m presenting in this blog is from my own professional experience and what I have learned from other clinicians. It is likely slightly different for each therapist’s style and structure.  Well, it…

Anxious to Thrive

In his book, Mindfulness for Two, pioneering therapist Kelly Wilson, PhD notes that humans don’t just suffer when things are bad. We also suffer when things might be bad. We naturally and easily devote mental energy, time, and effort into considering the…

Are My Boundaries Selfish?

The old thought tape is familiar: “What if it causes a scene? What if I’m asking too much? What if I’m being too sensitive or needy?”  It can be anxiety provoking to be on the edge of expressing your needs or setting…

Keeping a Routine When Life is Not Routine

I dislike the term “new normal” when referring to the current healthcare crisis associated with COVID-19.  I believe it is meant to give comfort to people within a changing world; however, I think we need to accept that at least for the…

What to Do When You Can’t Stop Worrying

In one of my previous blog posts I discussed the differences between healthy and unhealthy worrying. However, one comment that I receive a lot from clients is, “I feel like I can’t stop worrying! How do I stop it?” So even though…

Why Meditation?

Meditation is all over the news and social media right now.  Self-care is the hot new trend, and meditation is the epitome of the self-care movement.  But why? Why meditation? What exactly does it mean to meditate and what exactly does it…

Are You Doing Mindfulness Wrong?

Mindfulness is everywhere these days, yet it seems that mindfulness is hardly anywhere based on how people may be practicing it. Here are 5 questions to ask yourself to make sure you aren’t sabotaging your mindfulness practice and are getting the most…


We’ve all woken up and felt sad before.  Something happened the night before that we’re just not over yet.  It’s the anniversary of a tough event, death of a loved one, etc. We can all expect to feel this way from time…

Can I have your last avocado? Avocadon’t you dare!

I think that everyone can relate on some level to the experience of procrastination. I can remember that in college, I would have a big project or exam and I would be doing anything I could possibly come up with that needed…

Today's the day to make a change.