Surviving the Holiday

The weather is cooling down, the days are shorter, and the holidays are right around the corner.  Inevitably, the holiday season brings new challenges to my clients as they navigate family conflicts, scheduling issues, and financial stressors that always come with this…

That’s Actually Not a Compliment

To the general population, a compliment is recognition of something that we view as positive. However, to individuals with eating disorders (EDs) compliments are much more complicated. Unsolicited compliments are a regular topic of conversation in my sessions with individuals with EDs….

Stop, Drop, and Roll

When I originally thought of the subject of this blog, it was only in regards to preparing for the holidays during COVID. As I thought more about it, it occurred to me that the pandemic is not the only major monkey wrench…

How to Communicate with Your Children About Hard Topics

Due to current societal and global issues, many parents find themselves in the position of having to have tough conversations with their children right now.  Some parents struggle with educating their children on hard topics and are unclear of how to even…

Daddy Issues

Now that I have your attention, let’s talk about family of origin. Your family of origin is the unit that raised you, which may or may not be biological. We pick up a lot from our family of origin, whether through direct…

Why to Stop Struggling With Anxiety

Most of the folks that I see who suffer from anxiety say something along the lines of, “I’d like to feel less anxious,” or “I’d like to get rid of my anxiety.” Let me start off by saying, I get it! Simply…

How to do therapy. A therapist’s take on a client’s role in therapy

So, I’d like to start off by prefacing that what I’m presenting in this blog is from my own professional experience and what I have learned from other clinicians. It is likely slightly different for each therapist’s style and structure.  Well, it…

Maybe It’s Grief?

Maybe it feels like disbelief, tightness in your chest, or isolation. Perhaps you’ve noticed increased agitation, irritability, and lashing out when you never meant to. Or maybe, you don’t feel anything at all.  In a culture that handles grief poorly, most of…

The Rabbits are Multiplying Like…Well, Rabbits

I have been asking myself, “Are there more rabbits this year or am I just paying more attention to wildlife?” Unless there’s some scientific anomaly going on, I assume the answer is the latter. I have seen memes circulating about quarantine turning…

Living Life Like a Song

Think about the last time you listened to a song you love. What was the point of that experience? This may be an odd question to ask, but let’s sit with it. What is the point of listening to music? After reflecting…

Today's the day to make a change.