Beating Procrastination at its Own Game

I’m willing to bet that everyone has a “procrastination story.” That one time where they put off an important task until the last minute, only for it to come back and bite them in the butt. Maybe your procrastination story involves school…

Motivation and Why It’s Overrated

In this article I’d like to present an unconventional view of motivation… and even make an argument for why the apparent need for it is over-rated. Many people have the underlying belief that in order to engage in difficult tasks they need…

Can I have your last avocado? Avocadon’t you dare!

I think that everyone can relate on some level to the experience of procrastination. I can remember that in college, I would have a big project or exam and I would be doing anything I could possibly come up with that needed…

Today's the day to make a change.