Making Mindfulness a Daily Habit

Mindfulness is most simply put being aware and present at any given moment of our thoughts, feelings, and experiences.  This can be a disconcerting practice for anyone, most notably those that struggle with anxiety and depression. For mindfulness to be effective during…

Am I having a Panic Attack?

We all experience anxiety from time to time. Anxiety is a normal, healthy emotion that can serve a purpose. For example, if we are feeling anxious about an upcoming exam, it can evoke motivation to study and prepare for the exam or…

The Need for Social Connection

One thing I have learned from this profession is that we are much more alike than we are different. People often talk about similar issues and struggles but often believe that they are the only person feeling that way or dealing with…

4 Simple Ways to Increase Your Motivation

One of the most common issues that I hear from my clients is that they would like to become more motivated and productive, and to procrastinate less. Moreover, experiencing issues like depression and anxiety can certainly make the problem worse. One of…

5 Signs You Are a People Pleaser (and How to Break Free)

Do you have difficulty asserting yourself and expressing your thoughts, feelings and opinions to others? Would you say you crave validation and approval from others? People pleasers often seek approval, praise and validation from the people in their life. They base their…

What is Radical Acceptance?

Radical Acceptance: What It Is and How It Can Help You For many of us, when we believe that something is unfair we tend to become angry, resentful, and blame others or ourselves. This can cloud our judgment, and perhaps lead to…

Thriving with Social Anxiety Series: 5 Ways to Succeed in Dating

For those who suffer from social anxiety, dating can seem like a daunting task! What’s meant to be an enjoyable experience oftentimes turns into a torturous endeavor! The inherit issue with dating is that, at it’s core, it is a social experience….

Today's the day to make a change.