Mothering the Mother: Ways to Support Mothers During the Postpartum Period

In the days, weeks, and even months after childbirth, much of the attention and focus tends to be on the new addition.  Everyone wants to see, touch, and hold the baby. Soft voices and gentle bounces help soothe the baby when he…

A Therapists Perspective: Cultivating Body Image

Many of my clients have long histories of unhealthy and complicated relationships with their bodies. Many of them have memories of negative thoughts and beliefs forming in childhood and early adolescence. Their body image distress was, and is, not created in a…

Detached Mindfulness: A Path to Inner-Peace

Most of us have heard of the term “mindfulness” as a good strategy to deal with depression, anxiety, and other emotional difficulties. In this article I will teach you about a very specific form of mindfulness called “Detached Mindfulness.” By using it…

Even Spiderman Gets Sad: Normalizing Emotions

My son is currently obsessed with Spiderman.  We have Spiderman clothes, Spiderman shoes, Spiderman toys, Spiderman toothbrushes, etc.  You name it we have the merchandise. I’ve got to give Spiderman his props though, because he managed to teach my son a lesson…

Making Mindfulness a Daily Habit

Mindfulness is most simply put being aware and present at any given moment of our thoughts, feelings, and experiences.  This can be a disconcerting practice for anyone, most notably those that struggle with anxiety and depression. For mindfulness to be effective during…

Am I having a Panic Attack?

We all experience anxiety from time to time. Anxiety is a normal, healthy emotion that can serve a purpose. For example, if we are feeling anxious about an upcoming exam, it can evoke motivation to study and prepare for the exam or…

The Need for Social Connection

One thing I have learned from this profession is that we are much more alike than we are different. People often talk about similar issues and struggles but often believe that they are the only person feeling that way or dealing with…

4 Simple Ways to Increase Your Motivation

One of the most common issues that I hear from my clients is that they would like to become more motivated and productive, and to procrastinate less. Moreover, experiencing issues like depression and anxiety can certainly make the problem worse. One of…

Living with Grief

A colleague at the grief center where I used to work would often say that “grief is a room in your house you should visit, but you don’t want to live there.”  He was talking about the challenge of allowing ourselves to…

10 Tips for Better Sleep

Our quality of sleep has a big impact on the quality of our life. Ask anyone who is not sleeping well and they will certainly be able to tell you the negative impact it can have on daily functioning. Healthy sleep habits…

Today's the day to make a change.